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Ultrasound Exam

An early ultrasound can help answer many questions.

Following a positive pregnancy test, Options Clinic offers an ultrasound exam to confirm a viable intrauterine pregnancy (not ectopic) and to determine how far along your pregnancy is.

Our ultrasound exams are provided free of charge to our patients and are completely confidential.

Performing an ultrasound exam during pregnancy is a very safe and painless procedure. The ultrasound uses no radiation exposure.

We do not use ultrasound to determine sex.

Some restrictions apply.

In order to access this free service, you first need to schedule a pregnancy test and consultation appointment with Options Clinic. If your test is positive and you are estimated to be between six and fourteen weeks along, with no medical exclusions (such as vaginal bleeding or significant cramping), you will then be scheduled for an ultrasound. In some cases, verification of pregnancy from another medical professional is sufficient to schedule an ultrasound.

Reference: Information on this page gathered from referenced and reviewed articles on the Mayo Clinic website.

Ask the Nurse

Why does Options Clinic recommend I have an early ultrasound if I have a positive pregnancy test? OR Why do I need an early ultrasound if I don't plan to continue the pregnancy?

A positive pregnancy test means you have the pregnancy hormone in your body, but does not tell you how the pregnancy is progressing. Learning as much information as possible about your pregnancy can help you make an informed decision about your body. An early ultrasound answers these questions: Is the pregnancy growing in the right place? Does the fetus/baby have a heartbeat? What is my estimated due date? and How far along am I?

Why do I have to drink so much water before my ultrasound appointment?

Having a full bladder during your abdominal ultrasound allows us to obtain the best ultrasound “picture” images of you pregnancy.

Can I bring family, friends, or the father of my baby to my ultrasound appointment?

Yes. We encourage you to bring the people in your life who are supporting you in your pregnancy journey. To protect your confidentiality, a brief history will be taken and initial ultrasound measurements for the doctor may be done in private. Then your support persons will be invited to join you in the ultrasound room.

When I have my ultrasound at Options can I learn the sex of my baby?

The sex of a baby is determined at the time of conception, but you’ll have to wait until your 18-20 week ultrasound before the sonographer can predict what it will be. The ultrasound we perform at Options Clinic is too early to determine the baby’s sex.